Heather Long argues in the Guardian today that President's Day is another example what President Obama has termed income inequality:
It's another example of the dividing line between the haves and have nots in America. There are those who get today off – with pay – who have both the time and money to go out and buy new clothes, gadgets and cars. And then there are those who have to work today (and most other holidays), often serving those on vacation.On the surface it sounds like employers are mean and greedy for not giving their employers more paid-vacation. But what Long and others miss is the great mobility of the American economy and the all the benefits that come from giving employers the freedom to set their own schedules.
Chances are if you are working at Burger King today, you won't be working there in 10 years, at least not for the same low-end wage. And if one really values three-day weekends they should be a bank teller or a school teacher.
Despite the breathtaking pace of government growth, Americans still enjoy many freedoms, including the freedom to decide when they will and will not work.