Thursday, November 21, 2013

Young Adults Not Fooled by Obamacare

Young adults aren't fooled- they know Obamacare is a bad deal. See the latest from Generation Opportunity:

Young People Just Aren’t Signing Up

The numbers are in, and they don’t look good. Last week, we learned that only about 106,000 people signed up for coverage under the Obamacare exchanges. That’s pretty bad, particularly when the White House’s goal was to have 500,000 people signed up by now. To make matters worse, less than 27,000 Americans bought insurance through the actual healthcare website – meaning many people were forced to get covered over the phone or had to rely on state based exchanges.
There is no doubt that has been absolutely disastrous. Even President Obama himself apologized to the American people and took blame for how poor the rollout has been. But truth be told, the problems run deeper than all of the technological “glitches” surrounding the website.
Young people just aren’t signing up.
Without young people buying insurance under Obamacare, it could undermine the financial viability of the entire law. Simply put, premiums paid by younger and healthier individuals are needed to offset the costs of those older and sicker who typically have higher medical bills.
So far, it appears most of the sign-ups have been older individuals. Take California, for example. California has the largest uninsured population in the country, and according to a state health official, most of the roughly 35,000 sign-ups were older Americans. In Kentucky, nearly 3 out of 4 enrollees were over 35. Likewise, in Ohio, groups that helped with enrollment were reporting that many coming to them were older residents.
This also matches young people’s attitudes in a recent poll. According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll, opposition to the healthcare law among 18-29 year olds has increased by 16 points within the last month, with strong opposition to Obamacare up 21 points. Furthermore, the fallout from the Obamacare website debacle has caused the President’s overall approval rating to go down 23 points among those under 30 since January – the biggest drop for any demographic.
Young people are seeing through the provocative advertisements and tactics and all the broken promises that you would be able to keep your healthcare plan. Why is that? Because we are experiencing just how expensive Obamacare is. An analysis by The Wall Street Journal of the lowest-cost “bronze” plans for a single 27 year old man compared to the pre-Obamacare lowest-cost options is startling. Even in a state like New Jersey, which already has a heavily regulated insurance market, plans for young people are set to increase to $219 from $162. But right next door, Pennsylvania will go from a low $73 to $195 for a bare-bones plan. This is the narrative in states all across the country. No wonder young people aren’t signing up!
If young people continue to forgo signing up under Obamacare, and insurance companies end up with too many that are sick, they may have to increase premiums even more to stay afloat. From the “fumbled” rollout to outrageous price increases, not to mention concerns over privacy and security breaches, more and more young people are realizing just how bad a deal Obamacare is for our generation.

Terence Grado
Legislative and Coalitions
Generation Opportunity

Have you tried to use the exchange website? Going without insurance next year? Tell us your story! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

November Business Meeting

LCYR Vice-chairman, Geoff Measel at the podium with Rep. Keith Rothfus, LCYR Chairwoman Carrie Messner, and Rep. Mike Kelly.

Join the Lawrence County Young Republicans for our November business meeting on November 21st at 7 pm at the New Castle Public Library.  This meeting is open to the public.  We welcome anyone interested in being a candidate for office next year.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Law. Co. Republican Committee Fall Dinner This Friday!

Join the Lawrence County Young Republicans, the Westminster College Republicans, the Grove City College Republicans, and local high school students at the Lawrence County Republican Committee Fall Dinner on Friday, November 1st.  If you would like tickets, contact me.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

September Meeting Planned for Westminster College

The Lawrence County Young Republicans will have their September meeting at Westminster College on Thursday, September 19th at 7 pm with the Westminster College Republicans.  The meeting will be held in Patterson Hall room 208.  The meeting is open to the public.  We encourage college students to attend our meeting.  The main topics of the meeting will be:  how to get more young people involved in politics and what issues mean the most to them.

Facebook event

If you attend a local college, and would like the YR's to meet on your campus, email us at

Monday, September 9, 2013

Obamacare's Employer Mandate a Loser for Workers

Our secretary, Elizabeth Stelle has written an op-ed for The Patriot News about the employer mandate for Obamacare.  You can read her op-ed here.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Losing the War on Poverty

Our secretary for the Lawrence County Young Republicans, Elizabeth Stelle, wrote this article for the Commonwealth Foundation about how a single mom on welfare makes more money than single mom working for minimum wage. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August Business Meeting

Our August business meeting with be on August 29th at 6:45 pm at the New Englander on 3009 Wilmington Road in New Castle.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July Business Meeting

The Lawrence County Young Republicans will be holding their July business meeting this Thursday, July 18th at 7 pm at the New Castle Public Library.  Our meetings are open to the public.  Please come and join us!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

What is the Debt Ceiling?

It's summer time, that means Washington DC has maxed its credit card and politicians will be looking to raise the debt ceiling. . . again. What is the debt ceiling? Bankrupting America explains:

Friday, May 24, 2013

How Politicans Are Taxing Our Future

Have you ever thought about what our government will look like in future? What your taxes will be in 10, 20, 40 years? At current rates of spending, we're looking at huge tax hikes for us, our kids, grand kids, great grand kids. . . you get the picture.

Here's a great piece from Roll Call on the massive generational theft that's occurring at all levels of government.

Truth is, the trajectory of our federal budget represents a massive intergenerational redistribution of wealth. On the whole, older Americans and current retirees are set to receive a significant net financial benefit from public resources over the course of their lifetimes, with a massive bill for this spending to be passed on to the young and future generations. This policy path is both fiscally irresponsible and morally reprehensible. Pressure to change course might increase, however, if there were a clearer understanding of this reality among the public, media and elected leaders alike.

So true. Next time you hear a politician talk about borrowing, remember borrowing is just another term for future taxes.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

June Business Meeting

The Lawrence County Young Republicans June business meeting is scheduled for June 17th, Monday, at 7 pm at the New Castle Public Library.  Meeting is open to the public.

Facebook event

Friday, May 17, 2013

Rosemary Henderson for New Castle City Council

Rosemary Henderson is on the Republican ballot for New Castle City Council for the 4 year and the 2 year term.  Primary election day is Tuesday, May 21st.  Below is Rosemary's answers to our questionnaire.

Name as it appears on the ballot:   Rosemary Henderson
Spouse/children:   David B. Henderson                                    
Education:   High School & Lindsy Hopkins Business course
Occupation:  self employed  
Charitable organizations/volunteer work:
 Served with Contact Ears for 26 years [24 hour help line.]   Mt Hermon Church.
Reasons for running for city council:
To make the City a better place for every citizen in our City., Also make sure that all the ordinances are followed.
Why do you feel you are qualified to be on city council?
I've been attending council meetings for the last 14 years and have study most of the ordinances.
What skill sets/knowledge will you bring to city council?   
My knowledge attending council meeting for the last 14 years knowing the workings of the council. I will be able to move legalisation through.
If you get elected to city council, what would do as a member?  
 I will work with the administration in moving the city.ahead, But not agreeing with the Administration all the time.
What ideas do you have to make New Castle a better place to live?
 Make the ordinance for Historical District have more teeth, in doing this we can stop some of the out of town land lords that turn our town into slum areas. Will work with code on enforcing our ordinances.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lawrence Williams, New Castle City Council candidate

Lawrence Williams is running as a write-in Republican candidate for New Castle City Council, the 4 year term.  Lawrence only needs 100 write in votes to make it to the general election in November.  Rosemary Henderson is already on the ballot.  Republicans can have two candidates proceed to the November election. 

We asked Lawrence some questions in regards to his run for city council:

Name as it appears on the ballot or how you want it written in: Lawrence Williams
Spouse/children: April Whetzel   (fiancé)
Education: Farrell High School
                   US Army Veteran
                  Penn State Shenango
Occupation: Transportation
Reasons for running for city council:
 Improving the life and  quality of New Castle Residents and Businesses .
Why do you feel you are qualified to be on city council?
 Experience in Business, Life, and Military.
What skill sets/knowledge will you bring to city council?
Previous work experience in Business , Transportation and Management.
If you get elected to city council, what would do as a member?
1. Monitor forecasted and current spending in all departments .
2. Efficient and effective city government .
3. Reach out to local business ,promoting growth.
4. Communicate with Downtown landlords promoting occupancy.
5.Address home ownership and rental property issues.
6. Establish city ordinance for fine of $5,000 for recklessly firing of firearm.
What ideas do you have to make New Castle a better place to live?
Expand Cascade Park to include several rides.
Promote business thru our residents.
Work with state, county to obtain YDC for housing of low level non violent drug offenders . This will reduce jail space so we can hold the violent offenders to term. Also seek private company to operate facility to pay taxes and employment. Thus crating a safer city .
Make sure we have a well paid professional full time public safety department that use technology to reduce fuel and expensive overtime cost.
Provide a vision for New Castle that will require community participation  family values, great schools, clean city.
Anything else you would like the voters to know about you?
I joined the army at seventeen , traveled the world met lots of people and it hit me one day coming back to the states.
America is the greatest country in the entire world and you can have or be whatever you want if your willing to work hard to achieve it !

Friday, May 10, 2013

Philly Rep committee chairmanship settled

Funny how we never heard this story in the western part of PA, Philadelphia has had a three year battle for who chairs their republican city committee.  Also odd that the state committee intervened against the chairman there, but intervened for the (now former) chairman here, William Schafer when he illegally through out eight committee members out of spite.  After six months, and a lawsuit, William Schafer was defeated by Gale Measel in an election in November 2012.  New Castle city republicans need to remember the chaos William Schafer caused trying to hold onto power now that he's running again for New Castle City Council.

Friday, April 26, 2013

LCYR Mixer/Meet the Candidates!

Join the Lawrence County Young Republicans for our mixer/meet the candidates event.  Mixer is on May 13th, Monday at 7 pm at the Crane Room at 3009 Wilmington Rd. New Castle, PA 16105.  Tickets cost $15.  You can contact Carrie Messner for tickets.  You can call for tickets at 724.301.9927.  All Republican candidates running in the primary in Lawrence County are invited.  All candidates will be able to speak to the crowd.  It's a great opportunity to learn about the candidates, help a campaign, network, and to have a good time!

You can rsvp on our Facebook event.  Or our Freedomworks event.

If you cannot make the event, please Facebook share, tweet, or email our event to your friends!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April business meeting Thursday!

Join the Lawrence County Young Republicans on Thursday, April 25th for our monthly business meeting at 7 pm at the New Castle Public Library for an hour.  The meeting is open to the public.  Anyone interested in joining our group is welcome to attend! Bring a friend.

Facebook event

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Obama deporting Boston Marathon Saudi?

Last night on the "Hannity" show, Steve Emerson reported that President Obama met with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.  Now the Saudi national student, Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi is being deported.  You can find all the latest updates on this story at The Blaze.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

NY teacher quits over failing education system

Teacher Gerald Conti quit from Westhill High School after 27 years due to a failing education system and Common Core.  Common Core has been passed by the PA Board of Education completely bypassing the state legislature.  The Blaze has an interview with Conti along with a screencap of his resigning letter.

New York confiscating guns

New York is violating HIPAA laws and confiscating guns of law abiding citizens who have ever used a psychotropic drug including sleep aids like Ambien.  Glenn Beck reported on this during his radio show this morning.  You can find the article at The Blaze.

Kids being taught that the Americans don't have the right to bear arms

It should come to no surprise to anyone that schools are being used to indoctrinate students against guns.  In Connecticut, a father read in his 8th grade son's worksheet that Americans do not have the right to bear arms.  You can read the entire story at Fox News Radio.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Students forced to input eating data on govt website

A St. Louis school district ditched plans to have their students wear $40,000 bracelets 24/7.  Now the students are being made to input their eating habits on a government website.  You can read the entire article at The Gateway Pundit.

Pro Gun Control Ad Supports Toomey

US Senator Pat Toomey (PA) is working on a bipartisan deal on background checks for guns.  Mike Bloomberg's PAC is now running favorable ads about Toomey.  You can see the ad and read the article at

Here's some places to tell Sen. Toomey how you feel about his deals:

His Twitter

His website

His Facebook page

Monday, April 8, 2013

Beaver Co Young Republicans mixer

The Beaver County Young Republicans are having their quarterly mixer on April 18th at 7 pm at the 1810 Tavern, Bridgewater, PA. Guest speaker is Frank Schiefer from Westmoreland County recorder. You can find out more information here.

Rest in Peace Margaret Thatcher

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pennsylvanians Against Common Core

Common Core is a federally mandated education standards from kindergarten to graduation.  Many states are already fighting against its implementation. The standards are an unfunded mandate by the federal government which would actually lower education standards already in place in PA.  The creepiest part of Common Core is the student tracking system.  Your kids will also be wired at school with eye-trackers, wrist bands, posture seats, and a mood meter.

Saturday's edition of the New Castle News featured several articles about schools not teaching cursive writing and are instead putting more emphasis on typing.  Common Core got the ball rolling with not requiring cursive writing standards.

Here are some resources about Common Core:

Pennsylvanians Against Common Core

Their Facebook page

Their resources page includes links from the Commonwealth Foundation, Michelle Malkin, and Glenn Beck.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Welcome to the Lawrence County, PA Young Republicans blog!  The purpose of this blog is to express the views of young republicans about local and national politics.  We encourage discussion, so please feel free to leave comments in our comments section.

What is the LCYR?  We're a political action committee consisting of regular and associate members.  Regular members are defined as being a Lawrence County registered republican from the age of 18 to under 41.  We have quite a few associate members which are Lawrence County registered republicans aged 41 and over.  We also welcome any high school students who are under the age of 18 who are politically minded.

We meet every third Thursday at 7 pm for an hour at the New Castle Public Library's Copernicus Room.  This month, we will be meeting on the fourth Thursday, April 24th due to a scheduling conflict.  You can find us on our Facebook page, Facebook group, and our twitter page. We are currently planning a mixer "meet the candidates" before the May 21st primary.  More details to come!

Our mission is to encourage more young Republicans to be more active in local politics.  Our members have years of experience in elections. We are always looking for volunteers and candidates for office.  Interested in being a candidate for office?  We can tell what you need to know to make being a candidate an easier experience including circulating petitions, campaigning, fund raising, etc. 

Last year, we donated thousands of dollars to local candidates.  We have an "open book" policy regarding our financial records.  We file all required campaign finance forms.  Officers do not receive any money for their work other than legitimate YR expenses with receipts.

Have any questions for us?  Leave a comment, email us, or contact us on Facebook and Twitter.  Thanks for reading. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Interested in becoming a YR?  You can email us.